Wednesday, 21 March 2012

Bringing landscapes to the city...

Because I find myself continuously seeking ways to convey the environments in which I miss from back home in Ireland, in past projects, I have decided to explore ways of bringing landscapes to the city.

I recently read an article on this subject. It dealt with issues of how nature or the countryside is viewed as the antithesis of the city throughout modern history.  It reports how many individuals respond to the “dirty factories”, “multitude of noisy vehicles” and “buildings crammed on top of each other” by simply moving away from the city and into the suburbs if the opportunity arose.

In addition to this, the growing number of designers and architects who refer to themselves as “landscape urbanists”:”the notion that the most important part of city planning is not the arrangement of buildings, but the natural landscape upon which those buildings stand”. In other words, proponents envision weaving nature and the city together-an environment that I would personally love!


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